Get to know Jonus-Quinn

Get to know Jonus-Quinn



Name: Quyen

Nickname:  Quinn- just to make it easier on everyone’s lives 😊

Position @ Jonus: Recruiter

If you weren’t working at Jonus, what would your dream job be? I would like to be in a career that would allow me to travel and help others as well. If life were not dependent on the dollar, I would volunteer at different organizations just to contribute back to society.

Favorite thing about Philadelphia? The food scene!! I am a total porker, so I like to eat, and I love that there are so many mom and pop restaurants that are undiscovered.

If you were a TV or movie character, who would you be? I am obsessed with Friends so I would say I’m a cross between Rachel’s and Phoebe’s personalities.

Favorite band/singer of all time? I’m not a music person, I’d have music on in the background to fill up the silence, but I don’t particularly have a favorite band or singer.

What do you work toward in your free time? Catching up on sleep and giving my pittie all the attention she needs.

You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be? Magenta- it’s different, not quite one color but is composed of little bits of every color.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Somewhere tropical- I can’t do cold and am constantly cold. This is probably because I was born and raised for the first 7 years of my life in tropical climate.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Be a listener- when you stop to listen you stop to learn. Being loud doesn’t equate to being smart and being quiet doesn’t equate to being dumb.

What is your strangest work moment? Not quite the strangest but definitely the most embarrassing. At my previous job with Footlocker, I had a welcome luncheon with my team. My manager took the team out to lunch in his massive F-150 truck. Coming back from the lunch- as we pull into the parking lot and park next to the VP of accounting and other execs, I proceeded to get out of the back seat of the car and ended up missing the guard rail/step. Missed my step and completely slid out of his car like I was a 2 year old at a park slide and landed at the foot of the VP of accounting.


The Jonus Group is a unique, full-service recruiting firm dedicated to the insurance industry. Our firm covers the recruiting needs of insurance carriers, agencies, wholesalers, TPAs, MGA, and MGUs, on both the property & casualty and employee benefits sides of the business. We are constantly looking to expand our network of insurance professionals, acting as their eyes and ears in the marketplace. At the Jonus Group, we want to find you the perfect job before you need it.

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